Intime Medical Test is conducted to reward the hard working and brilliant students in terms of 20% -100% free (low to no service charge by the company). Moreover, your son/daughter is also eligible to get university scholarship 2nd year onwards according to the university policy and student’s academic performance.Our aim is to recruit talented and ambitious students in medical universities of China to pursue their MBBS dream.
Syllabus: IMT (Intime Medical Test) will be a MCQ’s based test which will consist of English, Biology,Physics, Chemistry and Aptitude subjects.
1) Total number of MCQs shall be 100.
2) Total marks will be 100.
3) There is no negative marking.
4) The duration of this test will be 50 minutes.
5) Students must join the Intime Medical Test Link online at the given date and time. If any student join the test late then no extra time would be given.
Result will be announced instantly after the submission of test by the students within the given time.Furthermore ,you have to decide within the 15 days if you want to send your Son/Daughter(s) for MBBS study abroad.
1) Age: 17-25 years
2) FSC marks: 60% minimum
3) Students must have a smart phone or a laptop and an active internet connection to appear in the test.
1. Student ID card.
2. Matric transcript
3. Fsc transcript (part 1&2)
4. Passport size photo (white background)
After submission of the documents, each student shall be given a roll number and student has to login using the allotted roll number.
IMT (Intime Medical Test) is a fully funded test and no agency is allowed to charge any service fee on its behalf.
MBBS in China (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), always have been a dream of all pre medical students around the globe because some want to serve the humanity in best possible way and some wish to fulfill the dreams of their parents and family. China is a best destination among the students and it is growing rapidly.
MBBS in China (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), always have been a dream of all pre medical students around the globe because some want to serve the humanity in best possible way and some wish to fulfill the dreams of their parents and family. China is a best destination among the students and it is growing rapidly.