Nanjing Medical University spans an incredible network of medical centres, with 23 affiliated hospitals and over than 50 teaching hospitals in the provinces of Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Shandong. Research at Nanjing Medical University is facilitated by its laboratories, several of which have been specially selected to receive funding directly from China’s central government or Ministry of Health.
In 2002 the university began receiving international students, and now around 500 attend each year. Almost 30 universities around the globe have partnerships with Nanjing Medical University. The university’s expansive library has been accumulating books since the university first opened. It can accommodate over 2,000 readers at a time, with over 900,000 printed works to select from.
The High school offers three types of training courses for the doctoral program, in turn, there are also two levels of the doctoral program, as well as forty-two courses in master’s degree, two 6-year programs of double undergraduate degree and three 7-year programs. Besides, it should also be noted that there is a laboratory of ministry level in the High school and two main laboratories that are created by the regional government, three national disciplines, and seven regional laboratories and research centres for applied sciences. In the High education establishment, there are eleven research institutes and sixteen different kinds of research centres. It should be underlined that the High education establishment has enormous quantity of medical literature, that is to say it is the biggest Medical library of Jiangsu region and the centre in the literary system of its universities. The university library consists from over one million forty thousand three hundred and thirty volumes and ten thousand separate periodicals.
The Management of the Nanjing Medical University actively supports the position of developing relations with other educational and research institutions of higher education both inside the country and abroad.
Nanjing Medical University has a solid history, for over 70 years, the university has graduated more than forty thousand graduates, 1500 of them are graduate students and masters. Most students graduate from the university with local and regional hospitals, disease control centers, and medical research institutes in Jiangsu province and other parts of the country. Many of them today are medical experts and scientists.
Application fee 1,000 RMB (Approx. 150 U$D) Non-Refundable after issuance of Admission Letter.
Nanjing is the capital of China’s Jiangsu Province and a city with a prominent place in Chinese history and culture. Nanjing served as the capital of China during several historical periods, and is listed as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. Nanjing is also one of the fifteen sub-provincial cities in China’s administrative structure, enjoying jurisdictional and economic autonomy only slightly less than that of a province.
Located in the downstream Yangtze River drainage basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Nanjing has always been one of China’s most important cities. Apart from having been the capital of China for six dynasties and of the Republic of China, Nanjing has also served as a national hub of education, research, transportation and tourism throughout history.
Much of the cultural workforce is employed by small, medium and micro enterprises across the city. These play a vital role in the sector’s ecosystem, and work co-operatively together. As of June 2021, Nanjing had 154,037 new art and cultural organisations and 540,000 new art and cultural practitioners, covering artforms including literature, theatre, music, dance, fine arts, and literary critics, artistic training and cultural investment management. However, these businesses have also proved fragile in the face of restrictions and uncertainties of the pandemic, with their survival and development both at risk.
With an urban population of over five million, it is also the second largest commercial center in the East China region, behind only Shanghai.
Nanjing has been the educational center in southern China for more than 1700 years. Currently, it boasts of some of the most prominent educational institutions in China, which include Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing University (founded as National Central University 1902) and Southeast University.
Nanjing’s Lukou International Airport, serves both national and international flights. The airport currently has 85 routes to national and international destinations, which include Japan, Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore. The airport is connected by a 29-kilometer (18 miles) highway directly to the city center.
In Nanjing, the summers are hot, oppressive, wet, and mostly cloudy and the winters are very cold and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 30°F to 90°F and is rarely below 22°F or above 97°F.
Office# 11, 1st Floor, Center Point Plaza,Gulberg 3,near Kalma Chowk,Lahore.
MBBS in China (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), always have been a dream of all pre medical students around the globe because some want to serve the humanity in best possible way and some wish to fulfill the dreams of their parents and family. China is a best destination among the students and it is growing rapidly.
MBBS in China (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), always have been a dream of all pre medical students around the globe because some want to serve the humanity in best possible way and some wish to fulfill the dreams of their parents and family. China is a best destination among the students and it is growing rapidly.