Izhevsk State Medical Academy is a leading higher medical education provider in the Russian Federation. It is proud of its highly-qualified teaching staff, advanced researchers and experienced physicians whose names are world-famous.
The academy was established in 1933 and over the course of 80 years it has trained more than 21500 doctors and nursing managers. Nowadays 351 teachers including 86 Doctors of Medicine and 212 Candidates of Medicine provide a high level of teaching process at 52 departments and 28 clinical bases of the academy. Over 2800 students study at the academy including the foreign ones.
Office# 11, 1st Floor, Center Point Plaza,Gulberg 3,near Kalma Chowk,Lahore.
The academy has been training international students since 1988. Students from 113 states of the former Soviet Union, Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa have studied at our academy. Over this period 3000 physicians, dentists and paediatricians have been trained for foreign countries.
Much is done to organize international exchanges for students and young doctors. The academy has general agreements of educational and scientific cooperation with the University of Pecs, CVI, Semmelweis University (Hungary), Medical University of Silesia (Poland), Oultoninstituto de diagnostico y tratamiento (Argentina), Aristotle University of Thesaloniki (Greece), Novi Sad University (Serbia), Belarus State Medical University (The Republic of Belarus), University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ivanovo-Frankovsk State Medical University (Ukraine), Samarkand Medical Institute (Uzbekistan) and others. During 25 years more than 300 students from Italy, Germany, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Spain, Finland, Denmark, Macedonia, etc. participated in externships at the academy. In its turn more than700 students and young scientists of Izhevsk State Medical Academy participated in externship in other countries.
The Izhevsk city is the capital city of the UdmurtRepublic of Russian Federation and also known as the Arms Capital of Russia.The population of the city was to be around 6,50,000. Some of the major tourist attractions includes Izhevsk Pond, Nevsky Cathedral, St. Michael’s Cathedral, Pesochnaya TV Mast &Udmurtia Circus. The city has trolley buses, buses, vans and taxis for travelling within the city and also well connected to all other major cities of Russia through rail, road and air routes. The best thing in this is people of the city are very friendly towards foreigners and are happy to see them.
MBBS in China (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), always have been a dream of all pre medical students around the globe because some want to serve the humanity in best possible way and some wish to fulfill the dreams of their parents and family. China is a best destination among the students and it is growing rapidly.
MBBS in China (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), always have been a dream of all pre medical students around the globe because some want to serve the humanity in best possible way and some wish to fulfill the dreams of their parents and family. China is a best destination among the students and it is growing rapidly.