Application Fee with documents:
Application Fee with documents is 1200 Yuan (approx 200$)
Student wishing for applying MBBS in China have to pay application fee with documents to be processed
by the university.
After Jw202 Arrival ( Visa Letter by MOE China ):
After receiving documents,we will start the process of Jw202 letter/Visa letter and as we get Jw202
letter/Visa letter by MOE China student will apply for a visa in Chinese Embassy with proper
documentation. When we will get stamped visa for the student,he/she will clear the remaining
development,management and service fee mentioned in the fee package of your selected uiversity either
in Pakistan or in China.It depends upon the latest rules and regulations.We will inform you prior to
applying for MBBS in China.
Note :
If any student will not pay ( Development,management chargesand service fee ) before arrival to the
university, our Company have rights to cancel his/her admission and University can send student back to
their respective country.
Refund Policy (Special Note) :
Application Fee is REFUNDABLE if Intime Study Advisors can not issue Jw202 ( Visa Letter by MOE
China ) and the application fee will be non-refundable if student applied and not want to go after that.
Also Development/management/Service fee will not be refunded to the student.
Refund Policy of University Tuition Fee and Hostel Fee will be According to the University Rules and
Regulations and According to MOE China, we have no Concern with this policy.
Payment method:
Pakistani students can pay via Bank account,Jazz cash,Easy paisa or by Visit to our office.
Students other than Pakistan can pay via our PayPal account,Western Union or by Moneygram.
“For students other than Pakistan,our Chinese representative will at first take the interview of the student
on Skype or Zoom to check the English proficiency.”