
12 Advantages of Studying in Russia for Foreigners

12 Advantages of Studying in Russia for Foreigners

12 Advantages of Studying in Russia for Foreigners

  1. Comprehensive Education

Russia has always been known for training doctors and specialists in the natural sciences. Russian Medical Universities have consistently ranked among the best medical universities. Russia is part of the European Credit Transfer System, which ensures that graduates from all universities in the Russian Federation have effective access to a wide range of universities and schools in the rest of Europe.

  1. Excellent Educational Standards

Russian Medical Universities boast incredible facilities, laboratories, a large number of affiliated hospitals and clinics in the city, as well as associations with other medical institutions in the country as well as in other European and Asian countries. So MBBS studies in Russia meet world standards.

  1. Low Tuition Fees

Most medical universities in Russia are public universities, where education costs are financed by the government, so tuition fees are mostly low compared to other countries. This makes MBBS studies in Russia really affordable, alongside excellent quality education.

  1. Opportunity to Learn the Local Language and Dialect

Learning another dialect opens new doors and new ways for an individual to communicate and think about new issues, it has been proven that an individual who communicates in more than one language is smarter than his or her peers. Thus, moving to another country and interacting with local people will help students to learn the local dialect and develop. Russian medical universities additionally offer specialized language courses for interested students who wish to learn a language as a second language.

  1. The Learning Environment is English

The opportunity to learn another dialect is an advantage, but for students who enroll in the MBBS in Russia, the language of instruction is English.

  1. Well-Equipped Halls of Residence and Campus

The hostels are additionally well equipped with all the necessary facilities, such as hot and cold running water 24 hours a day.

  1. Easy Adaptation for Foreign Students

As the university has many international students from different countries seeking various courses in pharmacy, and dentistry as well as MBBS from Russia, it is elementary for the new students to adjust and acclimatize to a new place and culture with the help of a friendly and caring university staff.

8. Exposure to a New Culture

Russia and Pakistan have always had an unusual relationship. Both nations have consistently and with incredible vigor learnt each other’s culture. So, by studying MBBS in Russia, students will get to know a different and inviting society, which will help them grow as a whole.

  1. Opportunity to Obtain a Double Degree

In 2003, Russia signed the Bologna Declaration, accepting certain commitments as an important aspect of building a common educational area among the Member States. Russian university diplomas are accepted in many countries. Intergovernmental agreements between Russia and more than 60 countries, including Finland, Spain, Cuba, Pakistan, Vietnam, China, Venezuela and Namibia, contribute to this strategy, while in June 2015 this archive was additionally marked with France, in October and November 2016 with Cyprus and Malta, and in May and October 2019 with Uzbekistan and Cambodia. In addition, many Russian universities are implementing joint projects with foreign universities and awarding double diplomas to their graduates. In other words, studying in Russia means you can get a Russian diplomat and European recognition.

  1. Sport

Russian universities provide sports facilities for students on campus and in the halls of residence. Students have the opportunity to participate in sports activities all the time. Students studying MBBS in Russia even have the opportunity to play on behalf of the university at the national and international levels.

  1. Different Climate Zones

Russia is a huge country where you can choose your course or university, but even your favorite climate – from the temperate continental atmosphere of the European part of the country to the subtropical Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and southern Crimea.

  1. An Exciting New Life!

Student life is the time in an individual’s life during which he or she develops at the most extreme pace, both physically and rationally. Studying at a foreign university in a foreign country gives students many opportunities to meet new people, make new friends, and develop as an individual, developing cultural and social skills far ahead of their peers back home! In this way, it provides educational opportunities as well as intellectual opportunities.

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