
Disadvantages of studying MBBS in Russia

Disadvantages of studying MBBS in Russia

Wondering whether to do MBBS in Russia or not? You must have searched Google to find out what the disadvantages are. Chances are, with every click you’ve made, you’ve come across a common “disadvantage” of studying MBBS in Russia that has increased your concerns tenfold.

There might be some truth in them because they are problems, but to label them as disadvantages would be a bit of an exaggeration. Intime Study Advisors is working to overcome these challenges so that students can fulfil their dream of studying medicine at the best university in the world and becoming a doctor.

Let’s discuss these common challenges that students face and how we help overcome them.

#1 MBBS in Russia is longer than MBBS in Pakistan

The MBBS in Russia lasts approximately 5 years and 8 months. MBBS in Pakistan lasts approximately 5 years. The difference between the courses in the two countries is only about 8 months. It should be noted that the entire MBBS course in Russia includes an internship/observation.

Since the difference is only 8 months, many thousands of students who have qualified MDCAT to opt for MBBS in Russia instead of waiting another year for MDCAT.

#2 The language of instruction is Russian

Contrary to popular belief, teaching in Russian medical universities is conducted in English, but students are required to interact with the local population during clinical rotations and observation. Therefore, Russian, the local language, is taught from the first year so that students can effortlessly learn the clinical part of their studies. In Pakistan, if you study MBBS in any country, you have to learn the language of the local people.

#3 Good food and accommodation are hard to find

Finding good Pakistani food, and regular Pakistani food at that, in a foreign country can be difficult. Intime Study Advisors ensures that our students at Russian medical schools are regularly offered quality Pakistani cuisine. In addition, we also provide separate accommodations for Pakistani students.

#4 Russia is not a safe country to study

This statement is completely wrong. Russia is one of the safest country in the world. In addition to this, medical universities have proper security checks, including cameras, guards, etc. on campus. The easy and safe environment in the country attracts many tourists who move freely around the country. However, students are always advised to be wise enough before making a choice.

#5 Travelling to and from Russia is a tedious process for students

With the right guidance on visa documents and travel plans, travelling to and from Russia can be a breeze. The healthy and diplomatic relations between Russia and Pakistan ensure a hassle-free travel procedure.

#6 Russian medical graduate fails the screening test

Medical universities in Russia provide special training for medical screening tests. Foreign medical graduates have to pass the National Licensing Exam (NLE) organized by the PMC. Training for this purpose is provided in Russia from the first MBBS course. As a result, students perform very well in the screening test.


MBBS in Russia will be the best choice among Pakistani students who want to study MBBS abroad. However, it may be difficult to choose the best of the best. Intime Study Advisors has been working with a vision to promote the dreams and aspirations of the youth for almost three decades. We aim to provide you with transparent information and need-based counselling. Our open-door policy makes us your partner in education not only for admission but also until

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