
How Does MBBS in Russia Contribute to The Development of 21st-century Skills?

How Does MBBS in Russia Contribute to The Development of 21st-century Skills?

The needs of the times have changed again and again. With each passing year and decade, there are new demands for skills and qualities, which become a competition of societal demand. It is believed that those who possess these skills and qualities not only have an edge in employment but also have the potential for success in the dynamic world of the 21st century.

It is widely recognized that education, and in particular higher education, has a responsibility to prepare young people to overcome not only the obstacles of today but also those of tomorrow. With regard to medical education abroad, one of the many characteristics of the education system in countries such as Russia is the emphasis on promoting 21st-century development among students.


21st-century skills can be defined as a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are essential for success in today’s society, especially in study programs, careers, and workplaces. Although the exact number of skills included in this category has not been determined, there is a general view that the whole set can be divided into three broad categories, namely thinking skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking, scientific thinking, problem-solving, etc., literacy skills such as ICT literacy, media literacy, etc., and life skills such as resilience, leadership, initiative, productivity, social skills, etc.


Russia is a popular destination for students and is world renowned for its education system. One of the hallmarks of the country’s education system is its emphasis on developing a student’s character as well as preparing them for the future. The MBBS curriculum in Russia is designed to directly or indirectly enhance students’ skills such as communication, creative thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and many other skills.

Let’s take a look at some of these 21st-century skills and how Russia’s top medical universities are helping students learn and develop them:


Communication is one of the most important modern skills, as it is the key to overcoming all uncertainties. Strong communication skills are useful in all aspects of life, from the professional world to the personal world and everything in between. Communication skills allow you and others to absorb information more accurately and quickly. For medical students, this skill becomes very important as members of the profession regularly interact with the local population to understand their concerns and sometimes read between the lines.

Contrary to popular belief, communication plays a crucial role during medical studies in Russia. Throughout the six-year MBBS course in Russia, students have the opportunity to interact with the local population, are encouraged to discuss their issues with their peers, and always raise their doubts with their teachers and mentors. All these seemingly regular activities contribute to the development of communication as a skill among the students.


Critical thinking often involves the ability to think clearly, rationally, and logically, and to ask the right question. As a 21st-century skill, it is mainly responsible for introducing change and improvement in existing procedures and encourages reflection on oneself and the environment.

The entire MBBS curriculum in Russia is aimed at fostering critical thinking among students and encourages them to argue their observations, thus also motivating them to improve their research and interpretation skills.


Another essential 21st-century skill is problem-solving after identification (critical thinking). People with effective problem-solving skills are happier, more confident, and more independent.

During MBBS in Russia, students are occasionally encouraged to think outside the box without compromising ethics and rules. This gives students the opportunity to discover, explore and identify perspectives.


Creativity is often associated with talent or something you are born with, but creative thinking is one aspect of the 21st century that is overlooked but very important. In a nutshell, it can be defined as making the best use of the available potential without compromising the quality of the result.

When studying MBBS in Russia, some of the best Russian medical universities provide ample opportunities for students to imagine and innovate through cultural activities, events, and even academic classes.


Decision-making is one of the skills that help build a strong personality. An indecisive person is usually low in confidence. Decision-making is becoming increasingly important as a 21st-century skill because it enables the individual to make choices and own them.

One of the common observations that many have made about students who have studied abroad is their outstanding confidence and charisma. This is also a direct result of their decisive skills. During the MBBS in Russia, students are given ample opportunities and simulated situations, sometimes directly or indirectly, to foster decision-making skills, which are very important in the medical profession.

Learning these skills also fosters other strong personal qualities such as leadership, empathy, compassion, etc.


As the conceptualization of global interactions on a large scale becomes more concrete, cooperation and collaboration at different stages in different sectors have become a necessary skill.

MBBS Russia has taken an indirect approach in the course structure to equip students with cooperation and collaboration skills. Students are often involved in various academic and cultural exchange programs as well as rich research internships. Students are encouraged to interact and cooperate with the global fraternity. Even concepts such as group/peer tutoring, projects, discussions, events, reports, etc., involve student participation, thus helping to improve cooperation and collaboration skills.


One of the key developments of the 21st century is the idea of globalization. A person simply cannot be isolated in his or her own field. It is necessary to constantly renew and develop oneself, keeping up with the world and its needs. Global awareness is therefore not just a skill, but rather a necessity.

It is known that the best medical universities in Russia often provide students with the opportunity to experience the world, which is one of the many advantages of studying MBBS in Russia. With state-of-the-art teaching practices and access to the latest trends and research from around the world. Medical education in Russia certainly helps students to be aware of their surroundings.


As you interact, so you grow. This statement is in line with today’s requirements. The ability to analyze and understand something without cultural bias is called multicultural literacy. It is also the ability to accept different points of view in order to be able to judge any situation more compassionately.

In countries such as Russia, which are known for their accessible and diverse educational practices, it is easy to find students from different cultures and countries mixing at university. Russia alone has been chosen by students from more than 20 countries to study MBBS abroad. Pakistani students studying MBBS in Russia gain experience, interact, and discover the attributes of different cultures around the world.


The above are some of the many 21st-century skills that are provided to students studying MBBS in Russia. With Russia being one of the top choices for Pakistani students to study MBBS abroad due to its reputation and opportunities, it is important to note that Russia’s top medical universities not only provide quality education, but also prepare students for the future in more ways than one.

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